Meet Health and Fitness Coach, Motivational Entrepreneur, Firewalker and So-Cal girl, Hayley’bijon Serna. Let’s see what is she all about.
MIHM-Tell us a little bit about you, where are you from and what inspired you to pursue a career in the coaching industry?
HBS- I am a So-Cal girl, born and raised! Although I have to admit that nothing makes me feel more at home than out soaking up some Nature! I enjoy staying fit, healthy, having some time to myself and adventuring! I have had many different experiences in my life all which have caused me to love more, feel more and be more. I look at life as one Grand Adventure! I’ve always been pretty independent, confident in being alone and in control of my own life, never had that feeling of needing someone or something yet at the same time I am a hopeless romantic to the core, haha. I am a Firewalker, I listen to music more than I watch TV, I have a weakness for Cheesecake and Sour patch kids, I am passionate, strong, smarter than you think, I’m old school and believe in respect, maintaining a certain level of class, and I truly believe that life has been given to us to enjoy! I have the utmost trust and faith in GOD; and I really do believe that kindness can change the world!
MIHM- You are a Life Coach; how long have you been doing it and what is your specialty?
HBS- I am a Motivational Entrepreneur! I have been into health and fitness since I was a teenager! It has always been such a huge part of my life and at times my outlet of choice! After Covid hit I decided to take my career into that direction! Sometimes we all just need a little help to get us to where we want to go and I know what it feels like to not feel your best and I knew I wanted to help others to get healthy, lose weight and gain some confidence back to believe in themselves again. I have partnered up with a company as an Independent Health Coach to offer my clients an easy nutritional program to not only optimize their weight loss but more importantly their health.
MIHM- Have you ever thought about Acting or Modeling?
HBS- Absolutely! I have done a little bit of modeling here and there throughout the years! Nothing major but have always enjoyed it! Before the pandemic hit, I was fortunate enough to play a tiny role in an episode of an upcoming series as a bank teller during a robbery. I started out as an “extra” in line so when they took me out and gave me these couple little scenes it was really exciting! It was an absolute blast as I was dragged out with a gun to my head and eventually shoved down my mouth as a means to get the bank manager to reveal the combination for the safe. It was quite dramatic! I’m not sure how to explain it but there was this connection to my core over it and I hope I get to experience more of that in my future!
MIHM-If you could work with somebody you admire, celebrity, politician, musician, leader or anybody else who would it be and why?
HBS- Wow what a question! There are so many people I hold a high regard of admiration for in all the different areas of my life and for different reasons! Hands down I would not be who I am today if I had not opened myself up to the world of Tony Robbins! He has been my biggest mentor for over 20 years. Through his programs I have also had the privilege of meeting so many phenomenal mentors/coaches/friends who really have become the daily cement to my foundation! In light of the Oscars issue here, If choosing an actor, Matthew McConaughey. No, not because of his good looks although that is a bonus haha. I have been motivated and admired by his speeches for years! I have read his new book, Greenlights, a couple of times already. I think it’s phenomenal! Those are two people I definitely respect and would be blown away if I ever had the opportunity to work with!
MIHM- How are you dealing with the quarantine and current pandemic?
HBS- Eh, Life is too short to suffer! I believe where your focus goes your energy flows, if you focus on fear then fear will find you. When you choose to focus on opportunity, growth, love and enjoying life, then that is what you will have no matter what is going on around you. This past year, despite its challenges, has been monumental for me! I was able to spend more time with my children, I had the time to join more courses, classes and seminars that wouldn’t have fit into my schedule otherwise. I traveled more this year than I think I ever have. I really spent a lot of time this past year taking the opportunity to learn about myself, to grow, to re-connect, to become clear of who I am, without the influence or demand of others. I rediscovered my passions and my non-negotiables! Most of all, I learned to live in the moment, to choose happiness, and adventure, to do things afraid, to create a wonderful and magical life even with and through everything else going on around me! I have chosen to adopt one simple rule, to Live Full and Die Empty!
MIHM-Define what success means to you?
HBS- Success to me is overcoming my hurdles, accomplishing my goals, knocking off bucket-list items, making special moments and memories for myself and for my kids. When I get to contribute to helping other people without hesitation! Success to me is constantly changing and evolving, but it is knowing that I am doing the best I can in every moment!
MIHM-Who have been your biggest mentors in your career?
HBS- Kim Constable, The Sculpted Vegan! Also, a mom of 4, she really began her fitness journey and business when she was about my age. Where she has taken herself to and her growth both personal and in business is phenomenal! She is definitely someone I admire, relate to and have been inspired by!
MIHM-What other projects are you working on right now?
HBS- I am currently working on building a one of a kind coaching program that will focus on one’s Physical, Nutritional and Mental health! I truly believe in the importance of all these areas working together in order for oneself to truly find real long-term life changing results. My goal is to help as many people possible to Feel their Best, Look their Best and Be their Best from the Inside Out!
MIHM-How can people reach you, do you have social media, website, etc.
HBS- You can find me on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/hayleybijon.serna
Join my Brand New Facebook Group: Live Full Die Empty
or Email me at: hayleybijon@writeme.com